Emerging Forestry Opportunities for Northern Australia using GIS Hotspot Analysis

A GIS is a digital system used to store, manage, analyse, display and communicate landscape related information and its influencing factors, drivers, and constraints. The purpose of this foundational GIS tool is to allow Hub projects and Hub Stakeholders the ability to organise and visualize spatial data for forestry across Northern Australia. Various publicly available spatial layers were collated and prioritised for various queries using ArcGIS. Such a GIS can be a desktop GIS and/or an online web mapping portal that stakeholders review & use. The project devised a GIS Hotspot Data Model for quick & repeatable assessment of forestry across Hubs. Identified hotspot regions can be investigated further and/or considered by subsequent projects using a qualified GIS technician. 

The platform is a joint investment between North Queensland and NT Ord Valley Forestry Hubs.

Project Completed